FVR# 7: Diet.com Bikini Body Circuit Workout Video

What: A 40 min. circuit full body workout mixing cardio and four different strength exercises (like side plank with hip thrust and glute hip lifts with leg abductions). After each exercise you do your 5 min of cardio, then all four exercises one after another, ending with 5 min cardio, 3 min intense cardio and cooldown.

Time: 2 min, 46 sec.

Why it's great: These are some challenging moves and Katrina (who seems no nonsense) demonstrates them with a client so you can see how a layperson would do it. Video includes captions with exercises and # of reps written out so you could pause the video (like I did, to write this review!) and copy the names of the exercises down.

Click for video.

For your workout log:

Cardio (running, any, etc.) = 5 minutes
[]Squat Explosions = 12-15 reps
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]Side Plank w/Hip Thrust = 15 reps, then switch sides
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]Glute Hip Lift w/Leg Abduction = 15 reps, then switch sides
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]Straight Leg Dead Lift w/Upright Row = 12-15 reps using 5-10 lb. dumbbells
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]All four exercises in a row
Cardio = 5 minutes
Cardio = 3 minutes in target heart zone

2 minute cooldown