FVR# 3: Kim's Progressive Workout

What: Variations of squats, lunges, and push ups for three different levels of fitness.

Time: 4 min, 50 sec.

Why it's good: It's good to see an exercise type at beginner to experienced level. Host has a conversational/friendly style of instructing.

Click for video.

For your workout log:

[] B - Wall Squat with Swiss Ball
[] I - Regular Squat
[] A - Jumping Squat

[] B - Stationary Lunge
[] I - Walking Lunge
[] A - Jumping Lunge

Push Up
[] B - "Girlie" or "Modified" Push-up
[] I - "Big Girl" Push-up
[] A - Yoga Push up

For beginners 10-15 reps, 2 sets. For more advanced, 15 reps, 3 sets.