FVR# 8: Synergy Fitness Bootcamp

What: This is a promo video for a gym's boot camp class, but it's great advertising, got me motivated and gave me some ideas for exercises I want to try.

For the first few minutes, it's medicine ball-happy starting with an some innocuous-looking jumps (swinging the ball from the floor to up over your head), then diving into variations on the plank and push-up -- with both hands balanced on the medicine ball. By the time they get to the one where they roll the ball from under one hand to the next while they do the pushup, I'm wondering if all the participants are regulars 'cause no one's having any real trouble with these moves.

Then they head outside and start crawling around (they have gloves on) right by a Pizza Hut sign. Later their doing variations on downward and upward facing dog as well as walking down walls while inverted in handstand. The video ends with a screen saying th e "The first class is free".

Why it's good: Like I said they all look like "regulars", but they're also just regular folks. You don't even see the instructor much so I think this one's got a lot of heart. It's all about the moves and what you might get out of the class if you take it. Made me want to try some of the stuff at home.

Click here to get "booted"

FVR# 7: Diet.com Bikini Body Circuit Workout Video

What: A 40 min. circuit full body workout mixing cardio and four different strength exercises (like side plank with hip thrust and glute hip lifts with leg abductions). After each exercise you do your 5 min of cardio, then all four exercises one after another, ending with 5 min cardio, 3 min intense cardio and cooldown.

Time: 2 min, 46 sec.

Why it's great: These are some challenging moves and Katrina (who seems no nonsense) demonstrates them with a client so you can see how a layperson would do it. Video includes captions with exercises and # of reps written out so you could pause the video (like I did, to write this review!) and copy the names of the exercises down.

Click for video.

For your workout log:

Cardio (running, any, etc.) = 5 minutes
[]Squat Explosions = 12-15 reps
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]Side Plank w/Hip Thrust = 15 reps, then switch sides
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]Glute Hip Lift w/Leg Abduction = 15 reps, then switch sides
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]Straight Leg Dead Lift w/Upright Row = 12-15 reps using 5-10 lb. dumbbells
Cardio = 5 minutes
[]All four exercises in a row
Cardio = 5 minutes
Cardio = 3 minutes in target heart zone

2 minute cooldown

FVR#6: SNL Men's Synchronized Swimming

An SNL classic. Martin Short and Christopher Guest as male synchronized swimmers.

Best Moment: Martin Short saying "I'm not that strong a swimmer..."

click for video

FVR #5: Terje's First Descent

What: Terje Haakonson snowboards down a 7,000 ft. mountain.

Words used in this video: "gnarly", "ripped", "jacked"

Word I use to describe this video: wow.

Click here for video.

FVR# 4: Namaste Yoga Video 5 Minute Preview

What: This is more of a promo for their TV show than an instructional video judging from the way it's shot (which includes aerial pans of the demonstrators bodies, making it hard to observe the actual poses.)

Also scores high on the cheesy meter 'cuz it features three scantily clad girls wearing hot pants and athletic bra tops. Annoying. Takes the spiritual side out of yoga and drops it right into Self Magazine. Haven't even mentioned the overly breathy voice of the narrator.

I'd avoid.

FVR# 3: Kim's Progressive Workout

What: Variations of squats, lunges, and push ups for three different levels of fitness.

Time: 4 min, 50 sec.

Why it's good: It's good to see an exercise type at beginner to experienced level. Host has a conversational/friendly style of instructing.

Click for video.

For your workout log:

[] B - Wall Squat with Swiss Ball
[] I - Regular Squat
[] A - Jumping Squat

[] B - Stationary Lunge
[] I - Walking Lunge
[] A - Jumping Lunge

Push Up
[] B - "Girlie" or "Modified" Push-up
[] I - "Big Girl" Push-up
[] A - Yoga Push up

For beginners 10-15 reps, 2 sets. For more advanced, 15 reps, 3 sets.

FVR# 2: Lazytown - Sportacus Workout - Pushups

What: Is this entertainment or fitness? Host Sportacus of Lazytown performs a series of variations on pushups ending with an energetic Virabhadrasana (Warrior III) yoga pose before hopping into his space ship and blasting away.

Time: 1 min, 4 sec

Why it's great:
Something to aspire to if you're hating or loving push-ups or just whiling away the hours at work...

Click for video.

FVR# 1: Strong Arms and Back by Pilates Your Way

What: Six arm exercises using 3,5,8 lb dumbbells.

Time: 4 min, 48 sec.

Why it's good: Clear directions, good form, friendly/practical-sounding host, not cheesy. Note these are pretty typical exercises that you've heard before, but great for beginners.

Click for video.