FVR# 10: Oblique Twists (<1 min)

What: A woman called Elaine demonstrates one ab move in each of her three videos, which are less than a minute each. This one is a variation on the side plank and she only manages to do one -- even though she's clearly fit, underscoring just how difficult these moves can be.

Time: 0:30

Why it's good: This is one of those a picture is worth a thousand words thing. None of that "Rah! Rah! You can do it" cheering. Just the move. While the music is muzac-y, it's as real as it gets. Like I said, Elaine can only do one of these moves which kinda works as a reverse psychology thing -- made me want to try it, too. (I can't do more than one). It's basically a side plank, with elbow bent, lowering to one side until your chest is parallel to the floor, than going back up. Check out her other ones: Parallel Pike and Rotational Obliques.

Click for video.